Notting Hill (1999)


Dir: Roger Michell / Writer: Richard Curtis / Cinematographer: Michael Coulter

Notting-Hill's black blueboard

Pointing the way...(image: Fimb FlickrCC)

Notting Hill…the soft focus version

Working Title have a track record of polishing tired plots, adding an iconic soundtrack and sprinkling on the fairy dust of stellar casting, but here it just doesn’t seem to gel.  A disappointingly tepid romance with the two leads, who usually sparkle in this kind of fare, struggling with a leaden script and a severe lack of chemistry.

Grant is William Thacker, a bookseller in London’s Notting Hill, who literally runs into Julia Roberts megawatt movie star – Anna Scott. He bumbles, she’s stony and subdued.  He falls hard, her interest seems mildly piqued and Rhys Ifans wanders around looking pale and not particularly interesting.

Then comes the boyfriend ‘reveal’ and the course of true love yada yada yada. Unforgivably dull.