The Ugly Truth (2009) – 1*


Dir: Robert Luketic/ Writer: Nicole Eastman and Karen McCullah Lutz/ Cinematography: Russell Carpenter

The-Ugly-Truth Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler

Gerard’s joke about the Englishman and the Irishman was going down badly…(image: PerryMarco FlickrCC)

The clue’s in the title
Forget the relaxing benefits of entertainment, this is the kind of tosh that takes years off your life. Attempting to redo Shakespearean comedy The Taming of the Shrew for the billionth time, The Ugly Truth sees tightly-wound spinster TV producer Abby (Katherine Heigl) get patronising lessons in seduction from alpha male, TV sexpert Mike (Gerard Butler).

Heigl should be ashamed. Gerard Butler…well, it’s about par for the course for him in his new role as Hollywood’s ‘favourite sleazy lead’ – now that Colin Farrell’s wised up and moved on.

This has been done with far more charm and almost the same plot line in countless films (a personal favourite being Someone like You with Ashley Judd and the delicious Hugh Jackman) any of which make a far better way to pass the time.

Unfunny, misogynistic bobbins.

Movie Pieces review rating for The Ugly Truth: 1/5
IMDb entry for The Ugly Truth

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